2022 Update

Hey friends! I know it's been a minute since I've made an updated post, but life has been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance. 2022 so far has been so busy for me, I've booked over 20 weddings for the year, and tons of engagement sessions! In January I hosted a Valentines boudoir marathon, it was so much fun getting to work with awesome new clients and connecting with new creatives. I got some new headshots for my website taken by Courtney Klok Photography and edited by me, it was a really fun day getting to know other photographers and taking photos.

Then in March I hosted another boudoir marathon that was 4/20 themed, and SO many engagement sessions which are my favorite. April my husband and I went to a car meet with our car group and I got to try getting roller shots (photos while driving) for the first time, and I can't wait to try it again! I also shot my first wedding of the year on April 23rd in Shelbyville, at the cutest little white church. The weather was absolutely amazing, it couldn't have been more beautiful! I can't believe we are in May already, this year has just flown by, my wedding anniversary is coming up on the 15th, it's been the best year being married to my best friend. I have three weddings to prepare for this month, and another batch of engagement sessions.

My wedding schedule for 2023 is starting to get super booked, so if you're interested in getting anything scheduled, now is the time!

A sneak peek of one of the Valentines boudoir.

One of my new headshots! I love how they turned out!

A nice wintery engagement session from January. Aaron and Brittaney were so fun to work with!

4/20 boudoir marathon.

My favorite photo from my first time getting to do roller shots.

So many nice cars came through, we all went driving down some back roads in Ada.

Shelbyville wedding.

Mr. & Mrs. Mouw!

They look so good!